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Graduate Courses

One of our greatest strengths is our base in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health – the world’s leading and largest school of public health. Through our home, we have the opportunity to design and offer formal coursework on a variety of injury prevention topics.

The following are recent graduate level courses at Johns Hopkins University, taught by faculty within the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit.

  • Doctoral Seminar in Health Systems
    1st/3rd Term
    Abdulgafoor Bachani
    Designed to prepare first-year PhD students in the Health Systems program area to develop and defend their research proposal.
  • Confronting the Burden of Injuries: a Global Perspective
    2nd Term
    Abdulgafoor Bachani & Connie Hoe
    Provides an understanding of approaches to measuring the burden of injuries around the world and familiarizes students with current estimates of the burden of injuries in the global and developing world.
  • Applying Summary Measures of Population Health to Improve Health Systems
    2nd Term/Summer Institute
    Abdulgafoor Bachani
    Explores the conceptual basis and application of summary measures of population health status. Presents approaches to measuring the burden of disease in populations and their use for guiding resource allocation and planning efficient and equitable health care systems.
  • Hospital-Based Injury/Trauma Surveillance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
    4th Term/Summer Institute
    Abdulgafoor Bachani & Kent Stevens
    Examines the high, and growing, global injury burden with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Establishes the need for and complexities of establishing and maintaining reliable injury surveillance systems in LMICs.