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RCMAR Scientists enter the program with a wide range of prior research training, and thus have varied needs for additional training.

All RCMAR Scientists receive intensive one-on-one instruction appropriate to their particular research area, based on their particular needs, and as directed by their Primary Mentor. Formal course work is a component available to the individualized, tailored didactic programs.  RCMAR Scientists with few research methodological skills will participate in this level of training. Courses are offered at the Schools of Public Health, Nursing, and Medicine at Johns Hopkins University.  

We utilize two different approaches to assure that RCMAR Scientists are appropriately trained in responsible conduct of research:

  1. Didactic training, including on-line modules, required coursework and lectures by REC Co-Directors.

  2. Personal interactions with mentors.

All RCMAR Scientists are required to take IRB modules related to their area of investigation. IRB compliance training consists of 4 training modules on topics such HIPAA guidelines concerning release of patient information, privacy issues relating to research, risk in informed consent, privacy and confidentiality. These trainings will be conducted using online CITI training.

RCMAR Scientists will be required to take a course in ethical conduct of research. Options include: Research Ethics (550.860) or Responsible Conduct of Research (306.665), given at the School of Public Health.  An alternative is the one-day course on Research Ethics given by the IRB at the School of Medicine. This course is designed to address key concepts of human and animal subject protection in specific research communities. It combines lectures and small group discussions to provide practical information on the ethical issues involved in research protocol development and implementation. The one-day course is supplemented by on-line case studies, so that attendees of the course can think through practical examples dealing with study design, informed consent, decision-making capacity, vulnerable populations, confidentiality, mentorship and authorship. In addition we devote one of the lectures in the JHAD-RCMAR training to a discussion of ethical issues in research.