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Getting Involved

Comstock Center welcomes involvement by community members, public health practitioners, students, faculty and staff.

Community members can contact the staff at Health Monitoring Unit and Disease Surveillance and Prevention Unit about opportunities to discuss participation in actively recruiting studies, or suggest ideas for collaborations on prevention activities or fundraising. Public health activities are coordinated with the Washington County Health Department.

Suggestions for new initiatives are welcomed and can be proposed to the Health Department or the Comstock Center (see organizational diagram).

Students seeking research experience should contact the person who would know the most about their area of interest (e.g., ARIC, CLUE, CHS, cancer, diabetes). Graduate students and faculty can familiarize themselves with the study designs and data collection instruments on this web page. Proposals for new ancillary studies and papers should be developed in collaboration with a member of the center faculty. The final proposal will then be reviewed by the appropriate study’s executive committee before approval. Following approval by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Committee on Human Subjects Research, the center staff will assist with the study conduct, data analysis and publication.