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PRO Instruments

Contact us about patient-reported outcome (PRO) tools and instruments developed by CHSOR members and their collaborators

The Medical Outcomes Study Hiv Health Survey

The Medical Outcomes Study HIV Health Survey (MOS-HIV) is a brief, comprehensive health status measure that has been used extensively in studies of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Developed in 1987 at the Johns Hopkins University by Albert Wu, the MOS-HIV was one of the first disease-targeted measures available for this population and is widely used in clinical trials and other research and evaluation studies. There is extensive evidence for the reliability, validity and usefulness of the MOS-HIV as a measure of patient-experienced outcome in HIV clinical trials. The MOS-HIV is available in 19 languages and has been included as a secondary outcome measure in numerous clinical trials for all stages of disease. For more information about the licensing process and how to get access to the instrument and its translations, please consult the MOS HIV pages on our PROQOLID website.

Work Productivity And Activity Impairment Questionnaire Adapted For Caregiving

The original Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) questionnaire was modified into an interviewer-administered six-item questionnaire designed to measure lost productivity due to caregiving (WPAI:CG). The WPAI:CG, co-authored by Jennifer Wolff, is the first questionnaire developed to specifically measure the caregivers’ assessment of the impact of caring for a chronically ill older adult on work and regular activity productivity by quantifying the amount of time missed from work and the amount of reduced productivity while at work. The WPAI:CG is a validated tool used to generate the first national estimates of work productivity loss due to providing care to an older adult with disability. For more information, please contact Jennifer Wolff at

Measuring And Improving Quality Of Palliative Care Survey

The “Measuring and Improving Quality of Palliative Care Survey” was developed by a team including CHSOR members Sydney Dy, Junya Zhu, and Ritu Sharma, together with colleagues from the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality and across the United States. The survey is intended to be distributed to all palliative care team members in a program to measure their perceptions of facilitators and barriers to implementing palliative care quality initiatives. The survey is based on an adapted Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and includes subscales addressing concepts such as implementation climate, teamwork and communication, adapted and evaluated for the palliative care context from validated surveys. The Hopkins team will distribute and analyze the survey and provide feedback and benchmarking to interested sites as part of a National Cancer Institute grant. The survey and a submitted manuscript describing its development are available upon request; please contact Ritu Sharma at

Tool To Strengthen The Older Patient-companion Partnership In Primary Care

A pre-consultation checklist was developed to strengthen the existing but under-recognized older adult-companion partnership. The checklist, co-designed by Jennifer Wolff, elicits and aligns patient and companion perspectives regarding patient health concerns. The tool, brief and appropriate for self-administration in a clinic waiting room, involves two activities that patients and their companions complete before a scheduled appointment. A randomized controlled pilot study additionally demonstrated that the tool administration may improve medical visit communication. For more information, please contact Jennifer Wolff at