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Associate Professor
- Adjunct
Elaine Doherty

Departmental Affiliations

Contact Info

University of Missouri, St. Louis, One University Boulevard, 324 Lucas Hall
St. Louis
Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Maryland, College Park

Elaine Eggleston Doherty received her Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2005.  Her interests include crime over the life course, the interrelationship between crime and substance use, marriage and health risk behaviors, and longitudinal methodology. 

Over the past several years, Dr. Doherty has been investigating a variety of research topics related to crime and substance using the Woodlawn study, which is a prospective and longitudinal study of an urban community population of African Americans followed from age 6 to age 42. Her current research focuses on the criminal careers of African Americans, the conditional effects of desistance from substance use, and the mechanisms underpinning desistance from offending.

Select Publications
  • Green, Kerry M., Elaine Eggleston Doherty, Kate E. Fothergill, and Margaret E. Ensminger (2012). “Marriage Trajectories and Health Risk Behaviors throughout Adulthood among an Urban African American Cohort.” Journal of Family Issues. Published online January 2012, DOI: 10.1177/0192513X11432429.

  • Doherty, Elaine Eggleston and Margaret E. Ensminger (2012). “Marriage and Offending among a Cohort of Disadvantaged African Americans.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Published online November 2011, DOI: 10.1177/ 0022427811423106.

  • Doherty, Elaine Eggleston, Judith A. Robertson, Kerry M. Green, Kate Fothergill, and Margaret E. Ensminger (2012). “A Longitudinal Study of Substance Use and Violent Victimization in Adulthood among a Cohort of Urban African Americans.” Addiction 107(2): 339-348.

  • Doherty, Elaine Eggleston, Kerry M. Green, and Margaret E. Ensminger (2012). “The Impact of Adolescent Deviance on Marital Trajectories.” Deviant Behavior 33(3): 185-206.

  • Green, Kerry M., Elaine Eggleston Doherty, Katarzyna A. Zebrak, and Margaret E. Ensminger (2011).  “Association between Adolescent Drinking and Adult Violence:  Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Urban African Americans.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72: 701-710.